Existing Users, COAS and VISCs who are non-EU/non Schengen and residents in the Local Area

Pre-arrival formalities

Reminder: Schengen Area - Entry, stay and exit - Documents required

If you are an existing User, COAS or VISC from outside the EU/Schengen and are currently registered with an average presence at CERN of 55% or more and currently hold a Swiss or French residence permit, you only need to make sure that your travel documents (passport and Swiss or French residence permit) are valid before travelling to CERN.

It is recommended that holders of a DFAE legitimation card ("Swiss card") carry with them (printed or electronic form) the list of residence permits that allow entry into the Schengen Area and present it to the migration authorities when necessary. This information is contained in Annex 20, Part II of the Schengen Handbook (cf. pages 62-73). Holders of a French Titre de Séjour Spécial (special residence permit) can refer to Annex 20, Part I of the Schengen Handbook (cf. pages 62-64) and to the European Council's information about the document

If your Swiss or French residence permit has expired, please request a return visa (additional information). Please contact the Users Office to obtain the necessary supporting documentation prior to contacting the authorities.