Visa requirements and procedures for France and Switzerland


All persons coming to CERN should find out about entry requirements for Switzerland/France in due course. Visa applications should be submitted at least 3 months, and not later than 21 days, (15 working days) prior to the departure date. Applications can also be submitted up to 6 months in advance and will only be processed once the complete file is received. Visas are in principle issued by the cosulate competent for one's place of residence. In some cases, special procedures may be followed. 

Users, Cooperation Associates and Visiting Scientists subject to visa restrictions for Switzerland and/or France should contact their experiment secretariat before coming to CERN for details on the visa application process, as they must obtain the appropriate documents to work in both countries. 

To avoid the need for a special residence permit or legitimation card, you can apply for visa that covers your entire stay: 

  • For repeated missions of less than 90 days within a 180-day period , a C "circulation" visa is suitable.
  • For missions lasting between 90 and 120 days, a Swiss D visa for 120 days is appropriate.
  • For missions ranging from 90 days to 12 months, a French long-term temporary D visa (VLST visa type) should be considered. Note that no French card will be issued for contracts lasting less than 12 months. 

Swiss visas

French visas