Please refer to the Team Leaders' course.
Please refer to the Team Leaders' course.
Please refer to the Team Leaders' course.
Please refer to the Team Leaders' course.
The letter of invitation and convention d’accueil are issued by the concerned Experiment Secretariat.
Users are bound to CERN by a contract of association. In addition to a CERN computer account, they are granted access to the experiment data as well as physical access to the site.
External Participants in an Experiment are registered remotely. They are not bound to CERN by a contract of association. They are granted a CERN computer account and remote access to the experiment data, but do not have physical access to the site.
If the Team Member concerned is still present on site, they should provide the Users’ Office with a Termination Check Sheet bearing their actual contract end date.
If the Team Member concerned has already left CERN, the Team Leader should send an email to the Users’ Office and copy the Experiment Secretariat requesting to close their contract, specifying the exact effective end date.
Should a USER fail to complete the Termination procedure appropriately, the Team leader will be responsible for returning all CERN items still held by the USER to the relevant services (Host States Documents >
The Team Leader cannot submit EDH documents on behalf of their Team Members. Team Members must create and submit their EDH documents themselves.
Even if they hold the highest position at their institute, Directors are legally not authorised to appoint themselves as Team Leaders and cannot sign both the “Authorised Representative” and “Team Leader” sections of the Team Leader Appointment form. The “Authorised Representative” section must be signed by an Authorised Representative other than the Director themselves. Examples of authorised representatives include Heads of Administration, Human Resources Managers, Personal Assistants, etc.
Team Leaders cannot sign HIDs unless they provide the Users’ Office with an official letter from the institute delegating signature rights to them. The official letter is valid for a maximum of 5 years.