Team Leaders can drop-off and pick-up legitimation cards on behalf of their Team Members. For data privacy reasons (cf. OC 11), the Users’ Office cannot share information with the Team Leader other than that to which they already have access via their own tools. In any case, the information provided by the Users’ Office should be used solely for the purpose of performing duties associated to the Team Leader role.
Your duties and obligations are detailed in the Team Leaders’ course, which you can access again via the CERN Learning Hub as well as in the document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent. See also answer to "I cannot remember all the information provided in the Team Leader’s course. Where can I find the information again?" in FAQ Team Leaders > Course and Role activation.
Deputy Team Leaders are granted the same access rights as their Team Leaders and can initiate PRT forms and sign EDH documents whenever required.
The new Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader must be officially appointed by the institute via a new Team Leader Appointment Form, to be sent to the concerned Experiment Secretariat duly filled-in and signed by all parties.
The new Deputy Team Leader must be officially appointed by the institute via a new Team Leader Appointment Form, to be sent to the concerned Experiment Secretariat duly filled-in and signed by all parties.
At least one Deputy Team Leader must be appointed to replace the Team Leader in case of absence or should the Team Leader not be available to complete formalities. The appointment of a Deputy thus prevents potential administrative issues for Team Members.
You should ensure the nomination of your successor by your institute as a vacancy might result in administrative problems for your Team Members. The new Team Leader / Deputy Team Leader must be officially appointed by the institute via a new Team Leader Appointment Form, to be sent to the concerned Experiment Secretariat duly filled-in and signed by all parties.
You can access the content of the course again via the CERN Learning Hub. Find the course, then select “enrol” and go to “My Learning”, then to “My current courses” and launch the course. Accessing the course again will not affect the result of your previous test.
You can also find all the relevant information regarding contract and registration formalities, visa, work and residence permit requirements, as well as your duties and obligations as Team Leader on the Users’ Office website.
The course is valid for 3 years. Once your course has expired you will need to take the course and pass the test again.